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Hypnotherapy Services

You, Whole Healthy and Complete Everyday

The world and pressures around us can keep us from remembering we are already whole and complete. We feel whole and fearless at that center of peace and strength that is already there inside us.



Allows you to strengthen what you want in your life and to gain freedom from what should be released. It allows us to curate the impact and results of thoughts. 


In Office Hypnotherapy

In person sessions are held at my office in South Pasadena, CA. 


Hypnotherapy Online at Your Convenience

Hypnotherapy is 100% effective online or over the phone. Save drive time and fuel. Find a quiet spot where you will be undisturbed for 1 hour and we can take care of it from the comfort of your home.


Smoking Cessation 

Stop smoking quickly and easily. You can have the sessions in person or online as well as over the phone. 

The best of us is right there

All we need to do is access what we already have and let go of everything we no longer need or want.

Meditation and and Hypnotherapy share many things. First of which is the certainty that doing it regularly will create better overall health and wellbeing. We can create the internal environment you're looking for. 


We can refine your at home self hypnosis or meditation work to keep you on track now and in the future.

Hypnotherapy Session Charges

All charges are the same in the office or online. Please call me if you need more information.

Hypnotherapy Session 60-90 mins

24 hour cancelation requirement



Smoking Cessation

24 hour cancelation requirement â€‹



Testimonial Reviews


"I met Jason three years ago while dealing with persistent IBS. I had tried and seen every doctor in the book. I was taking medications for pain and was ready to try something new. Wow!! I am glad I did. Jason was so kind and helpful. I can seriously say that he made my life better. Through several hypnosis sessions, I was finally able to regain my life back. I am and forever will be grateful for his help and his compassion."

A.S. ​

"WOW!!! I have been smoking for 30 years...decided to get serious about quitting recently and found Jason during a Google search. I've tried cutting down, stopping cold turkey, and rationing. NOTHING has worked. I smoked over a pack a day and woke up to my coffee and cigarette every morning...well not this morning!! I can't even explain the level of comfort I feel and the amount of hope I have inside. I am a non smoker and I am more than grateful for Jason's work and the compassion he has shown to me."


"I have been seeing Jason several months now and he has helped me so much. My self confidence and self esteem issues have really improved since I began these sessions. Jason is very understanding and intuitive. He puts you at ease and makes it easy to enjoy and use the techniques from the sessions. I have recommended Jason to friends that are having issues and would like to try an alternative to traditional therapy."

Specialties and Success

Schedule at your convenience right here

Our Approach

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams, who looks inside, awakes.

Carl Jung

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